
“Huh, look at that! I wonder if that’s a sign; maybe I’m supposed to convert to Judaism.”She smiled slyly. “Well, you do have a head start on the circumcision, after all, thanks to your family tradition…”I laughed, embarrassed still about my faux pas, but delighted by the display of her quick sense of humor. “Good point, because the prospect of a bris would definitely be enough to discourage me. I wonder if one of my doctors is a Jewish prankster of some kind and arranged for the scars to look. But suddenly after a month, she came home and I got scared again that she has definitely come here to complain to my mother about me. But what happened was not what I was hoping for. She told my mother that her daughter, Rupinder’s grades have gone down again as I didn’t go to teach her and asked if she could ask me to go to their house again and teach her daughter. My mother had no problem and told me to go to their house every day to teach her math lessons. I was happy that I will get some. We have some good news. Mary said, "Maria, those waffles of yours are terrific. You should open a restaurant." There were muffled giggles from around the table. Maria's face got purple.Mary picked up on Maria's rage and said, "Would you be willing to form a corporation and sell shares? I know of five investors that would be willing to invest two hundred thousand dollars each in an up and coming restaurant." You could see the light go on over Maria's head. "And Jane and Fred F. are getting. Yes, it’s me. I wanted to call and … well, I’m getting married. Thank You. Tomorrow. Can you be there, it would mean a lot to me. Yes, very much. You can make it? That’s wonderful, I love you.’ She hung up the phone just as Thomas came rushing back, face aglow with happiness. As he told her of his family’s reaction, Cherie knew she’d never been happier in her entire life. Day Eleven Snuggling in her husband’s arms, Cherie was overwhelmed with happiness. It had been a magical day, a special.
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